Saturday, December 2, 2017

5 Best Total Abs Workout For Flat Tummy

These exercises are the best way to torch belly fat and strengthen your abdominal muscles. It’s quick, simple and it doesn’t require any special equipment. And the best part – it’s suitable for any fitness level. Your core is probably the most frequently used muscle group in your entire body, since it connects the upper with the lower body. So with every move you make, your belly muscles will be engaged.

The core muscles are the foundation where every movement begins.

These flat belly workouts work much more on your 6-pack abs muscles. It has a great impact over your entire mid-section (central and deeper abs, obliques, lower back muscles, and glutes). Now, getting from a flab to a flat belly is not easy. And a perfectly designed workout is definitely not enough. You need to pay attention to your diet too, if you want to burn belly fat and get a fabulous, flat and strong tummy. So with all other factors here 5 best total abs workouts for flat tummy.


  • Start in a seated position with your knees bent and feet off the floor. Your chest should be open and lifted.

  • With your arms by your sides, slowly unfold from your seated v by simultaneously lowering your torso and legs toward the floor. Stop when your legs are around a 45-degree angle, or when you feel your lower back arch away from the floor. Be sure to keep your head and shoulders off the floor and your lower back pressed into the mat.

  • With your core tight and tucked, use your abs to return to the starting position.

  • Repeat for one minute. Keep your abs engaged as you perform this move, instead of relying on gravity; if it gets too hard, then keep your knees bent as you lower down.


  • Lie flat on your back and bend your knees about 60 degrees.

  • Keep your feet flat on the floor and place your hands loosely behind your head. This will be your starting position.

  • Now curl up and bring your right elbow and shoulder across your body while bring your left knee in toward your left shoulder at the same time. Reach with your elbow and try to touch your knee. Exhale as you perform this movement. Tip: Try to bring your shoulder up towards your knee rather than just your elbow and remember that the key is to contract the abs as you perform the movement; not just to move the elbow.

  • Now go back down to the starting position as you inhale and repeat with the left elbow and the right knee.

  • Continue alternating in this manner until all prescribed repetitions are done.

Variation: You can also do all of your repetitions for one side and then switch to the other side.


  • Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor, hip-width apart.

  • Place your hands behind your head so your thumbs are behind your ears.

  • Don’t lace your fingers together.

  • Hold your elbows out to the sides but rounded slightly in.

  • Tilt your chin slightly, leaving a few inches of space between your chin and your chest.

  • Gently pull your abdominal inward.

  • Curl up and forward so that your head, neck, and shoulder blades lift off the floor.

  • Hold for a moment at the top of the movement and then lower slowly back down.


  • Lie on your back on a gym mat with your legs extended and your arms alongside your hips, palms down.

  • Lift your legs 4 to 6 inches off the floor. Press your low back into the mat.

  • Keep your legs straight as you rhythmically raise one leg higher, then switch. Move in a fluttering, up and down motion

  • Perform for 15 to 20 repetitions. Alternatively, flutter kick for a period of time, such as 20 to 30 seconds.


  • Lay down with your back on the ground and your knees bent and pointed towards the ceiling.

  • With your arms on your side raise your shoulders slightly off the ground.

  • Using your abs rotate your right hand down to your right foot and then back up.

  • Then do the same thing with your left hand.

  • Alternate back and forth for the desired amount of repetitions.

A flat belly workout like this not only strengthens your core, but your entire body too. It also improves your posture and performance, restores your balance and reduces lower back pain.

5 Best Total Abs Workout For Flat Tummy #fitness #fat #tummy #belly #fat #beauty #stomach #abs #health

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