Monday, December 11, 2017

Amazing remedy that reduces fatty deposits in arteries and lowers cholesterol

Fat deposited on artery walls is extremely dangerous because it increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. See how to manage this problem.

This three ingredients mixture burns fat deposited on artery walls. Garlic, lemon and ginger are super-foods that have miraculous effects on the body when combined. Among their benefits for your arteries, they lower cholesterol, they strengthen the immune system and they treat infections and colds. In addition, this elixir purifies the liver and prevents chronic diseases.

Amazing remedy that reduces fatty deposits in arteries and lowers cholesterol #DIY #health #beauty #cholestrrol

How to prepare

You need:

– 4 garlic bulbs
– 4 lemons (peeled)
– 1 small ginger root( 3-4 cm) or 2 tablespoons of powdered ginger
– 2 liters of water


Wash the lemons, cut them into small pieces and put them in the blender along with garlic and ginger. Mix them until you get a smooth paste, put the composition into a metal bowl and add 2 liters of water over the mixture. Put the container on the oven until it starts to boil. When cool, filter the liquid and store it in a bottle.

Drink 200 ml of this juice daily, two hours before meals or on an empty stomach. It should be well shaken before drinking it.


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